Note for Homebase97 version 4.x users. If you are currently running HomeBase Version 4.X, and you want to keep your current database. Before installing do the following: 1- Start HomeBase97 and backup your database to a floppy disk with the "Backup Database" function. If you can't start the program because the trial expired then copy the files hme4.dbf, hme4.dbt, and hme4.mdx to a floppy or backup directory. 2- Uninstall HomeBase97 using Windows 95 "Add Remove Programs" from the control panel. 3-Install HomeBase98. 4-Copy all 3 Database files from the floppy or backup directory to the directory where you installed HomeBase98. When you start HomeBase98 for the first time it will convert you existing database the the new database. The Name field will be put into the Last Name field in the new Database , It will work fine there but I suggest that you edit the entries so you split the First and Last names so you can have them sorted properly.